
Lépine Kong

View My GitHub Profile

How I built my Github Homepage

using the ReAdABLE Human Format

Goal of this article

The purpose of this article is to show how to easily build a Github page with the ReAdABLE Human Format.



Tips: for spell checking I also use Spell Checker extension

Tips: for quick image upload, I’m using https://imgur.com/upload which supports pasting image directly in the browser.


Know the homepage url

The homepage url of my homepage is http://lepinekong.github.io/.

The first time you visit it, you’ll get a 404 error page:


Create a Repository

You must first create a repository by clicking on the “+” icon near your user icon on the top right.


Check your homepage

You can check that your homepage in my case at http://lepinekong.github.io/ doesn’t show 404 error any more.



Click on settings https://i.imgur.com/crS1mCk.png

Choose a theme

You can set a theme for your site by clicking on button “Choose a theme” https://i.imgur.com/y9DTpfR.png

Pick one of them

by choosing one theme among those available:


Revisit homepage

You can check your homepage once more in my case at http://lepinekong.github.io/ you should see your new homepage updated: https://i.imgur.com/bIV0Dbn.png

Setting up a ReAdABLE Human Format Folder

Next let’s write the content in ReAdABLE Human Format.

Go to https://gist.github.com/lepinekong/b59fa3e8d386dea1ebaa1a096488c542

Click on .ReAdABLE.HumanFormat.deploy.ps1 “Raw” button on the right side


Copy the whole content to clipboard

Select with Ctrl+A then copy with Ctrl+C.


Paste the whole content in Powershell console


Choose a target folder


Confirm source download

You should see:


Optionally rename the folder and open it with Visual Studio Code

You can rename the folder to doc if preferred, it is shorter and gets a nice icon under Visual Studio Code.


Write your article

You can write your own article by modifying the content of the template (if needed by deleting or adding new paragraphs).

Beware: Paragraphs labels can be almost any Red variable name (no space allowed) but they should be different (for example P1, P2,… or Goal-of-this-article, Pre-requisites,…) so P, P,… will not work well when converting to Markdown.

Within paragraph you can use markdown formatting including block code and inline image (see example with paragraph 16 below “Convert to markdown”)

If your title is empty string you’ll see ### (in next version, we’ll put an alert)


Convert to markdown

Program should run in Terminal window below the article window:


Preview Markdown


Edit markdown on Github

On Github homepage click on the pen icon to edit https://i.imgur.com/woXuUlQ.png

Paste and commit

You can then paste the new markdown and click commit



In this tutorial, you have learned how to:

You can find the source of this tutorial here:
